The most unpopular first names - page 227

First nameGenderOriginRating for this first name
Bernadettefemale first name4.22 out of 23 votes
Aishafemale first nameArabic, English4.22 out of 9 votes
Preciousfemale first nameEnglish4.22 out of 9 votes
Rosinafemale first nameLatin4.22 out of 9 votes
Vinmale first nameGerman, English4.22 out of 9 votes
Westleymale first nameEnglish4.22 out of 9 votes
Jochenmale first name4.23 out of 26 votes
Ägidiusmale first nameGreek4.23 out of 22 votes
Arielmale first nameGerman, English, Hebrew4.23 out of 13 votes
Devranmale and female first nameTurkish4.23 out of 13 votes

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