The most unpopular first names - page 132

First nameGenderOriginRating for this first name
Aniyafemale first nameEnglish3.3 out of 10 votes
Christosmale first nameGreek3.3 out of 10 votes
Honourfemale first nameEnglish3.3 out of 10 votes
Augustinfemale first name3.31 out of 16 votes
Hüseyinmale first nameTurkish3.31 out of 16 votes
Odysseusmale first nameGreek3.31 out of 16 votes
Safakmale and female first nameTurkish3.31 out of 16 votes
Suheylmale first nameTurkish3.31 out of 16 votes
Yüksemale and female first nameTurkish3.31 out of 16 votes
Aldomale first nameItalian3.31 out of 13 votes

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