The most unpopular first names - page 125

First nameGenderOriginRating for this first name
Infantfemale first nameEnglish3.25 out of 12 votes
Iwanafemale first nameRussian3.25 out of 12 votes
Nazifafemale first nameBosnia3.25 out of 12 votes
Susenfemale first nameSwedish3.25 out of 12 votes
Wedekindmale first nameGerman3.25 out of 12 votes
Cerysfemale first nameEnglish, Welsh3.25 out of 8 votes
Coskunmale first nameTurkish3.25 out of 8 votes
Deonmale first nameEnglish3.25 out of 8 votes
Erdenmale and female first nameTurkish3.25 out of 8 votes
Grovermale first nameEnglish3.25 out of 8 votes

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