The most popular first names - page 80

First nameGenderOriginRating for this first name
Karinfemale first nameNordic6.7 out of 30 votes
Saaranyafemale first nameHindu6.7 out of 20 votes
Brennenmale first nameEnglish6.7 out of 10 votes
Deangelomale first nameEnglish6.7 out of 10 votes
Judemale first nameEnglish6.7 out of 10 votes
Leanafemale first nameEnglish6.7 out of 10 votes
Courtneyfemale first nameenglish6.69 out of 51 votes
Nadjafemale first nameRussian6.69 out of 35 votes
Kaidenmale first nameEnglish6.69 out of 16 votes
Shanemale first nameEnglish, Irish6.69 out of 13 votes

75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84