The most popular first names - page 65

First nameGenderOriginRating for this first name
Demifemale first nameEnglish6.9 out of 10 votes
Imanifemale first nameEnglish6.9 out of 10 votes
Legolasmale first nameEnglish, German 6.9 out of 10 votes
Adinafemale first nameHebrew6.89 out of 28 votes
Evelinafemale first nameEnglish6.89 out of 28 votes
Aprilfemale first nameEnglish6.89 out of 19 votes
Taminomale first nameGreek6.89 out of 19 votes
Valeriafemale first nameLatin6.89 out of 19 votes
Ashlifemale first nameEnglish6.89 out of 9 votes
Casandrafemale first nameEnglish6.89 out of 9 votes

60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69