The most popular first names - page 190

First nameGenderOriginRating for this first name
Edenfemale first nameEnglish5.4 out of 10 votes
Ewafemale first nameHebrew5.4 out of 10 votes
Liomale first nameGerman, English5.4 out of 10 votes
Aleciafemale first nameEnglish5.4 out of 5 votes
Darafemale first nameEnglish5.4 out of 5 votes
Dukemale first nameEnglish5.4 out of 5 votes
Harlowmale first nameEnglish5.4 out of 5 votes
Hermesmale first nameGerman, English5.4 out of 5 votes
Jaquanmale first nameEnglish5.4 out of 5 votes
Kaitlynfemale first nameEnglish5.4 out of 5 votes

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