First names with first character D - Page 27

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First nameGenderOriginRating for this first name
Dorisfemale first nameAncient Greek4 out of 25 votes
Dorkasfemale first nameGreek3.91 out of 22 votes
Dorotheafemale first nameGreek4.5 out of 16 votes
Dorotheefemale first nameGreek3.67 out of 27 votes
Dorotheusmale first nameGerman, English4.33 out of 3 votes
Dorothyfemale first nameEnglish5.5 out of 8 votes
Dottyfemale first nameEnglish3.67 out of 6 votes
Dougmale first nameEnglish5.5 out of 6 votes
Douglasmale first nameEnglish, Scottish7.4 out of 5 votes
Dracamale first nameOld English3.83 out of 6 votes

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